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Registering 61,286 personnel of the National Service went without incident.

On Monday, October 24, 2022, registration for the 2022–2023 National Service Year began at all of the country’s centers. It is anticipated that 120,229 national duty members would complete the registration procedures so they can complete their one-year mandated national service.

The scheme had made the postings with the geographic distribution available prior to the start of registration.

With 35,184 national service members, the Greater Accra Region received the most; the Northern Region came in second with 26,082; the Ashanti Region had 17,697; and the Eastern Region had 7,033.

While the Upper East received 3,567 and the Volta Region 2,818 respectively, the Western, Central, and Bono regions each garnered 6,051, 5,332 and 3,895.

There were 2,780 national service members in the North East Region, 2,752 in the Upper West Region, 2,090 in the Bono East Region, 1,894 in the Savannah Region, 1,202 in the Ahafo Region, 1,046 in the Western North Region, and 805 in the Oti Region, which had the fewest.

A total of 61,286 national service members had successfully enrolled at the various registration centers across the nation by the end of the third week of registration, and they had started their national service, which began in earnest on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. 32,486 national service members have unresolved ID problems as of this writing, preventing them from registering. There are 213 cases that have been refused, and these applications are being resubmitted to different user agencies. However, the registration is anticipated to last through the end of December 2022, at which point any unresolved issues will be addressed.

Prospective national service members, parents, and the general public have always had concerns and high expectations in response to the official announcement of the release of postings. The same was true this year.
As the national service personnel themselves participated in the load, the registration procedures at the different regional centers across the nation up until this point were a great weight for National Service Scheme authorities to carry. When officials were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people flooding the registration centers, particularly during the first two weeks, some of the centers would just videotape chaotic events.

Especially in the Greater Accra Region, the registration exercise in 2017 saw the height of such chaotic occurrences. The plan consequently faced a lot of popular opposition. The management had to act fast to implement novel methods to prevent similar occurrences in the future, particularly given the rising number of Ghanaian graduates who are eligible for national service with each passing year.

Management ultimately decided on a booking system whereby a person posted to perform national service would be required to first travel to the user agency where he or she has been posted in order to obtain the appointment letter’s endorsement as confirmation of the service person’s acceptance to undertake the national service with the user agency.

The individual so posted and duly accepted by the user agency by way of endorsement of the appointment letter would then be required to schedule an appointment online on the website for a specific time and date to make himself/herself available at a designated registration center to go through validation and registration, before continuing to present the final appointment letters to the appropriate place, and begin the national service at the appointed date.

In order to prevent crowding and stampedes, the scheme’s Management Information System regulates bookings to permit only a sizable and manageable number of service personnel at a time on any given day. This technique is unique, but it has largely shown to be quite successful in preventing the chaotic scenes that have historically characterized registration centers.

For national service members and personnel, the attitude at all of the registration centers around the nation today was one of ease, tranquillity, orderliness, and low tension.

Osei Assibey Antwi, the executive director of the program, and his two deputies visited some of the registration centers in Greater Accra, Ashanti, Eastern, Bono, Central, Volta, Western, and the other northern regions on business trips with other top program employees. The management had the chance to evaluate the innovation in the registration process’ effectiveness, identify any problems, and make plans for how to further enhance the system thanks to these tours.

In their conversations with the team, some of the service members expressed pleasure with the procedure and thanked management for making the registration process easy.


Some difficulties with the registration procedure have been noted, nevertheless. Internet access was unreliable throughout the first two days of registration, especially in the Ashanti area, which was severely hit. The registration procedure was often slowed down as a result, and in some circumstances, the employees and national service members were under strain.

Another issue that affects everyone is the refusal of certain national service members to accept their posts. They use a variety of justifications, such as a lack of housing or the health of their parents or guardians, which makes it difficult for them to travel “far away” from home.

It has also become quite difficult because some agency heads refuse to publicly state that they have rejected the applicant. Because of this, it is challenging for the staff to confirm whether or not someone has actually been denied. Numerous national service members have been forced to request repostings as a result of these.

Despite these difficulties, it is safe to say that this year’s registration was completely incident-free and a great success. Congratulation to all members of the national service who have, so far, acted honorably despite the difficulties.

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