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Risk Factors of Urinary Track Infection in Human

Women commonly experience UTIs. In their lifetimes, many women get more than one UTI.

Risk Factor

Women commonly experience UTIs. In their lifetimes, many women get more than one UTI.

Female body types. The urethra is shorter in women than in men. As a result, bacteria have to travel a shorter distance to reach the bladder.
Sexual behavior. Sexual activity tends to increase the risk of UTIs. A new sexual partner raises risk further.
A few forms of birth control. Diaphragms for birth control may make you more likely to get UTIs. Additionally, using spermicidal agents increases risk.
Menopause. A decrease in the amount of estrogen in the blood after menopause affects the urinary tract. The alterations may make UTIs more likely.

Additional causes of UTIs include:

Urinary system issues. Babies who are born with urinary tract issues may have difficulty urinating. UTIs can result from urine in the urethra backing up.
Obstructions in the urinary system. Urine can become trapped in the bladder by kidney stones or an enlarged prostate. The risk of UTIs is increased as a result.

Immune system suppression. The immune system, the body’s line of defense against pathogens, can be weakened by diabetes and other illnesses. This could make UTIs more likely.

Using a catheter. Those who are unable to urinate on their own frequently need to wear a catheter. The risk of UTIs is increased by using a catheter. Those who are hospitalized may utilize catheters. They may also be used by those who are paralyzed or have neurological conditions that make it difficult to control urination.
A recent urinary operation. Both urinary surgery and a urinary tract checkup involving equipment can raise your risk of getting a UTI.

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