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You can use contraception to avoid getting pregnant, and some types will protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

When considering contraception, you might wonder which option is best for you and your way of life. Which technique guards against STIs? How about user-friendliness? How well will it work? Potential negative effects?

We’ll examine nine widely used forms of contraception in order to respond to these queries. Let’s begin by.

The only method of birth control that both prevents conception and offers protection from the majority of STIs is the condom. They can be used whenever needed, are hormone-free, and are small enough to put into a handbag or backpack. They are available in both male and female versions

In order to physically block the passage of sexual fluids during sex, male condoms are rolled onto an erect penis. Just before having sex, the female condom is inserted into the vagina. The female condom requires some practice to get used to and is not quite as effective when used normally as the male latex condom.

Its advantages include being hormone-free and providing the highest defense against STIs.

Cons include the possibility of it tearing or coming off during sex if improper use is made, as well as the possibility of latex allergy.

The only method of birth control that also offers STI protection is the condom.

2.The oral contraceptive pill. is the method of contraception that Australian women report using the most frequently. Finding the right type for you requires choosing from a variety that are available. While the small pill only includes progestin, the combo tablet contains both progestin and estrogen. The pill may have many advantages, but it’s crucial to remember to take it on schedule.

The pill is quite successful when used appropriately; it allows for sexual spontaneity and doesn’t interfere with sex; occasionally, it may even lessen uncomfortable, painful periods and/or may help with acne.

Cons include: It can only be used by women; it is not appropriate for women who cannot use oestrogen-containing contraception; it provides no protection against STIs. Forgetting to take your pill reduces its effectiveness.

You may only purchase the pill with a prescription from a doctor or sexual health center, so make an appointment now.

  1. 3.Intrauterine Equipment (IUD)
    A qualified healthcare expert inserts this tiny, T-shaped device into a woman’s uterus. It is manufactured from material that contains progesterone hormone or plastic and copper. Depending on the type used, it is a long-lasting and reversible method of birth control that may be left in place for three to ten years.
  2. Some IUD varieties have hormones that inhibit pregnancy by slowly releasing them. If an IUD is fitted by a medical practitioner within five days after having unprotected intercourse, it can be a useful emergency contraceptive. IUDs with copper are 99% effective, compared to 99.8% for those containing hormones. When utilizing an IUD, you’re about as protected as you can be.
  3. needs a skilled healthcare professional for insertion and removal; does not protect against STIs; irregular bleeding and spotting happens in the first six months of use.
  4. IUDs provide excellent anti-pregnancy prevention.
  1. 4.Implantable contraceptives
    A short, flexible rod that releases progesterone in a slow, controlled manner is inserted beneath the skin in a woman’s upper arm. This hormone inhibits ovarian egg release and thickens cervical mucus, making it challenging for sperm to enter the uterus. The rod that needs to be replaced every three years needs to be fitted into the implant during a brief procedure that uses local anesthesia.
  2. Pros include: long-lasting, reversible contraceptive method; highly effective; doesn’t interfere with sex.
  3. Cons include the need for a qualified healthcare expert for insertion and removal; occasionally, there may be erratic bleeding at first; and lack of STI prevention.
  4. The implant can be used by women as a long-term method of birth control.

Check out the causes and risks factor of UTI in humans

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